Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"The 100" Fandom Wank

PLEASE, enough with the negativity, one-upmanship, & rudeness. it's so sad and unnecessary. why do there have to be "winners and losers" when it's not even a competition? it wasn't a love triangle. Clarke didn't choose one over the other and then "switched" sides. it's more like two difference races. Clexa jumped over all the hurdles of outside forces, pressures, & responsibilities and reached the finish line together, confessing & consummating their love. it was a hard-earned & short-lived victory, but it was beautiful and real. Lexa leaving & Clarke entering a different race altogether doesn't negate that win. Bellarke are like a marathon where they each share the burdens of a long, seemingly endless race for survival and redemption, and there may not even be a finish line other than death (it doesn't have to be romantic), but they are in it together & they can't do it without the other. both are real, important races in Clarke's life, but they're not competing against each other. peace~