Kitties went back to the vet for their post-op follow-up yesterday. They stayed overnight again, so Mammao did her sad whine/yowl call for her babies in the middle of the night again. I tried to record just the sound (she gets quiet if she hears me come close with the camera).
Around 3 AM:
Around noon:
The kitties came home in the afternoon. Mammao sat next to their carriers, so happy reunion? It's hard to tell what Mammao is feeling/thinking besides wariness. She mostly just sleeps or watches the movement around her, from us or her kittens. She'll clean them when they pass by her, and she'll eat with them when it's their meal-time. Lately, she seems to be playing with them more, like batting at their tails when they're playing hide-and-seek with each other. She's more openly interested in their toys when I play with them, though if I send the ball/mouse to her, she backs away. But the other day, I was playing finger tag with the kitties' paws, and Mammao sat nearby and watched intently. So I wiggled and bat my finger a bit closer to her, and she started batting back! This is only the second time she's let me touch her (the first was when she cautiously ate a treat from my palm). So anyway, progress!

Back to the kitties, they got their staples removed from the surgery incision. George, Oreo, and Toes are healthy, but poor Ping got an infection. T_T So antibiotics, constant sanitation, and continued separation for Ping. Oh, and Ping might be a boy again?! The vet staff kept referring to Ping as "he," but they never said "surprise! we found out our guess was wrong (again) once we opened him up to be fixed and found different organs." And they also failed to give any post-op instructions or schedule a follow-up appointment after the surgery. These vets' practices are questionable. >=/
I took another vid of the happy feline family around 11 PM.