Friday, October 17, 2014

Kittens: 15 Weeks, 6 Days Old

Got an extra litter box. We already have 2, but with 1 mama and 4 kitties, there's sometimes not enough space for a "fresh spot" for every cat. We think this extra box might encourage Toes to use the litter box more. After their surgeries, we had to replace their regular litter with shredded newspaper to prevent infection. Toes has this neurotic need to only pee/poo on fabric (carpet/rug/blanket/couch cover!) and absolutely hates the feel of litter under her paws and will scream/yowl/scrabble whenever R tries to put her in the litter box. But as it turns out, Toes doesn't mind the feel of paper so much and willingly goes into the box to sniff and paw at it experimentally. She even peed in the box the other day! We were so thrilled, we gave her 5 treats (we only give 1 to a cat after it uses the litter box, so Toes had never had one ^^;) and cuddled and cooed over her the whole day. She still prefers the old bath mat we left next to the litter boxes, but she's going into the box more, so there's hope for her yet! ;)


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