And then there were three... =/
This morning, I took some pics of Oreo and Fred in their carrier (with Ping to keep them company for a few minutes) before they left with R this morning. ;_;
Mama Cat and the other kittens seemed fine with the absence. The kittens only got out once, one at a time. Things already quieting down.
R took a few pics at work (and cried a little). Oreo aka Miu was nice and comfy with his new owner, and Fred, who's usually whiny and squirmy, was well-behaved and likes her new owner, who actually already owns another sibling, one from Hope's last litter of kittens, so he knows what he's doing and is really good with them.
(another coworker & Fred; no pic of Oreo & new owner except from 7/28) |
Fred aka Tiger w/ her new owner <3 |
Then in the afternoon, Love's New Owner called and planned to come over later. After some last-minute care instructions and reassurances that they'll take good care of her, Love left this evening.
Love w/ her new owners <3 |
They also assured R that cats have pretty short memories, so they won't be that upset for very long at all with the separation. It's in their nature to move on quickly. Mama Cat and remaining 3 kittens, Ping, Toes, and George, behaved normally.
We asked the New Owners to send us photos some time, so we'll still get to see our Oreo, Fred, and Love grow. ^_^ Bye-bye, kitties! <3
Edit to add: Mama Cat never minds when we take her babies; she knows we'll always bring them back. But tonight she hasn't seen 3 of them for hours now. She just started doing her whining call for them, then stopped after a couple of minutes. I hope she won't be sad. ;(