Sunday, January 25, 2015

"The Night Circus"

I added a new book to my list of favs: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I read it a couple of months ago. Actually, it was published in 2011, and I remember seeing an ad for it in Entertainment Weekly or something back then and thinking it sounded interesting (and the covert art was striking *guilty of judging books by their covers*). I'd forgotten all about it until I picked it up at the library on a whim, and it really lived up to its hype.

The Night Circus is a historical fantasy filled with magic, mystery, romance, and some of the most beautifully vivid imagery I've ever read. It's like Harry Potter crossed over with a historical romance, and it's captivating, intriguing, transporting. I can imagine walking through Le Cirque des Rêves (the Circus of Dreams), and I wish it were real. Or that the author would write a sequel...

So it's become one of the few books I feel I must own and have on my shelf (I rarely buy books, thanks to the library), so today I ordered a hardcover copy from eBay for only $4.50. I can't wait to read it again. ^^

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