Sunday, January 17, 2016

Kitties: 1Y, 6M, 2W, 6D Old + Sick(?) Ping

Just when I was ready to go to bed, I heard one of the cats hissing, which they almost never do. I checked on them and saw Ping crouched, growling, and hissing at Georgie and Oreo whenever they tried to join her in their bed. She wouldn't let them get close and seemed really mad at them??

I let them out, thinking they just needed to get some excess energy out by chasing or wrestling. Ping just went back to her couch and is staying away from them. Meanwhile, Georgie and Oreo play. It's 2 AM, and Oreo is as hyper as ever.

As I posted yesterday, we gave the kitties their winter blankets for their beds (it's suddenly so cold lately!). Oreo still remembers her first baby blanket and is kinda possessive with it. But instead of cuddling with it, she'd rather just play with it. She sleeps on an old towel while she bites, drags, tackles, and wrestles with her soft blankie. XD


It's hilarious when she tries to run while dragging the blanket on the floor, and she trips over her "prey" and sorta flops around like a clumsy puppy. lol.

Okay, time for bed again!

Update 1:

Hmm, I think something is wrong with Ping. =/ She still growls and hisses whenever she's near Georgie and Oreo, and she refuses to go to their sleeping area with them. She seems to feel threatened by them, like she doesn't even know them! I had to separate her from her sisters. Georgie and Oreo are whining because they're missing Ping (and her substantial body heat, I'm sure), but Ping is happy sleeping on the couch. I'll check on them in the morning.

Update 2:

Well, Ping is still treating her sisters like strangers, and they're still confused and keep trying to approach her, only to be hissed away.


I wonder if it's because Georgie and Oreo spent most of yesterday in their boxes with the new/old blankets (that we took out of storage for them), and now Ping thinks they smell different/weird? I read that that can happen, siblings suddenly hissing at each other until their scent goes back to normal in a few days.

aww, look at the perfect Oreo donut~!

Earlier, Ping was only growling at her sisters. She followed me around and insisted I keep petting her. She was purring happily on the couch.

But now she's being cranky with us, too! She doesn't want to be picked up, and she growls and sometimes snips when we pet her lower back. We think she might be in pain. =( We want to take her to the vet tomorrow.

Update 3:

R and Mom tried to pick up Ping and put her in the small carrier to take her to the vet first thing tomorrow morning, but Ping freaked out and lashed out. She scratched Mom (her favorite!) and kicked her way out of R's hold. Poor Mom, her hand was bleeding.

We eventually got the big crate out, and Ping wandered in on her own a few hours later, so she's in there for the night.

Mom said that some cats are extra affectionate and/or want to be left alone when they're very sick. Hope nothing is seriously wrong with Ping. =/

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