Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kittens: 32 Weeks, 5 Days Old (Target Strikes Back: Revenge of the Plastic Menace)

Oreo's battle against the plastic bag continues. Ping "helps" by pinning it (and Oreo) down. Georgie watches.









But then the tide turns! When the Target bag that Oreo repeatedly dives into finally (and literally) gets a handle on her, Oreo is shocked--nay, alarmed--by this surprise Target Tutu attack! A thrilling "chase" ensues.

Oreo narrowly escapes. Georgie and Oreo are quickly back on friendly terms with their foe.



But it's really Ping who is the winner, lying on a very comfy field of victory while the other two are being silly.



Kittens vs Plastic Bag, part 3 (sorry, no video)

Sudden but inevitable betrayal!! Georgie wrestles with Bag and gets it caught around her leg. She tries to flee, but Bag is close behind, billowing out behind her like a massive parachute monster! Poor terrified Georgie is "chased" all over the house by the relentless Bag! She runs in blind panic, around every corner and piece of furniture, crashing headlong into a wall in an attempt to rid herself of the plastic predator! The mad chase is too fast and furious (furry-ous?) to capture on camera, though it lasts quite a few seconds longer than Oreo's round, and I'm too busy trying to grab the evil bag off of the poor thing. Finally, Georgie ducks for cover behind the piano and loses Bag!

In the chaos, Ping has fled his napping spot to the far corner of the kitchen, watching with wide eyes. It takes a few minutes to find Mammao. She's not in any of her usual hiding places. I eventually spot her in a new dark corner behind boxes down the hall. She is curled small, crouched and watchful, and refuses to budge. I can't find Oreo anywhere. I suspect she's behind the piano with Georgie but can't be sure. I call to them and even try the calming kitty pheromone spray, but they are still too scared to venture out.

Eventually, Mom helps me shoo out Oreo, who immediately runs to the kitties' old hiding place which I can never reach: behind the refrigerator. But wait, Oreo doesn't go behind the fridge, just in the space between fridge and cabinet. Did we push the fridge back more, or has Oreo grown too big to fit back there? In any case, the result is this:


We again shoo Oreo out, and she joins Ping in staying far away from the "danger." We return to get Georgie out. This takes much longer. So long that we begin to think she's not back there anymore. But when we drag the piano out from its nook a few inches, we can see poor little Georgie crouched down and looking up warily. Several minutes of calling, begging, and coaxing her to come out, plus a strategically placed trail of kitty treats, and she timidly emerges. I pick up the scared kitten and hold her close, petting her softly and cooing at her soothingly. She's usually pretty mellow about being held, but she seems even more sedate (somber?) after that harrowing experience. R gives her extra bedtime cuddling that night, and Georgie is soon back to normal, though they all avoid the Target Bag now.

I think Target won this kitten war. :P

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