Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kittens: 18 Weeks Old (+ Ta-ta for now, Toes!)

With Potential New Owners coming by, we gave Toes the spa treatment, which of course, she hated. ^^;; This included a scary bath, a scary towel rub, a scary blow dry, a scary claw clipping, and a scary new harness+leash. She was perfectly fine; she just shook a little, looked pleadingly at us, and yowled louder than I've ever heard (amplified by the echo-y bathroom).

Poor, drenched kitty. It's amazing how skinny they actually are when their fur is wet.



After the semi-drying, her fur was all matted and spiky, but she groomed herself and air-dried until she was nice and fluffy again. Then we let her play around. She had so much fun having all the toys to herself.

We tried out the new harness+leash set on her. Toes did not like having something on her back and a long, blue thing "chasing" her everywhere she went. XD;



But R had a lovely afternoon nap with Toes happily curled with her. <3




More playing with the leash, this time with Oreo, George, and Ping sniffing, biting, clawing, and hanging from it. ;P




In the evening, Potential New Owners stopped by. They immediately said, "Oh, she's beautiful!" when they saw Toes and her pretty markings. She was very comfortable with them, even affectionate when they held her. Toes has always been the sweetest in nature. But then there are her peculiarities... We were honest with PNOs, and so were they. One of their old cats had a problem peeing (ruining) their carpet, but they would try out our suggestion of using shredded newspaper instead of grainy litter for Toes' litter box. They'll see how well she adjusts to their home, but if things don't work out, we'll take her back, no problem.

So for now, we'll just wait and see. R cried, of course, but we sincerely hope Toes finds a good home with PNOs because they are a very nice, cat-loving family. *fingers crossed* Also, they happen to have a black-and-white cat named Oreo, too! When they saw our Oreo, they said their Oreo looks almost exactly the same except less white on the face. At least Toes won't be lonely without her siblings. ^^

Strangely, none of the remaining cats appeared bothered by the disappearance of Toes. In fact, Ping, George, and Oreo seemed a bit better behaved afterwards, though that may be coincidence? Mammao is actually not very affectionate with Toes, but then later tonight, Mama Cat started doing her whine/yowl thing?

Well, que sera sera. Good luck, Toes! We'll always love you. <3

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