Friday, September 23, 2011

My reaction to fans' reactions to other fans' reactions to Kyu Jong's concept photos...XD

I'm glad I didn't look at Liezle's blog post about Kyu Jong's 1st concept photos (and its 120 comments) until now.  o_0  The post itself is fine, and most of the comments were good, but there were a few that got my blood boiling.

Like the idiots who said they hated the concept and therefore wouldn't buy KJ's album.  Seriously, WTF?  You decide not to pay any attention to someone's music because of three preview photos?  *shakes fist of righteous indignation*  Also, I got annoyed with KHJ-bias fans who got worked up over someone just mentioning and benignly comparing KJ and KHJ. So we're not even allowed to point out that sometimes they look alike?  It's a crime?  Or an insult?  Which in itself is an insult to KJ because they're saying KHJ is so much better than KJ.  Some even said "KHJ wouldn't have to resort to this stunt like KJ because he's popular enough." RAGE.

But thankfully, the negative comments made up only about 10%.  80% were like "Hm, questionable concept, but I support KJ fully no matter what!"  :D  And the last 10% were wonderful responses to the bad comments, calmly explaining the difference between bashing and constructive criticism, kindly asking people to be rational and polite, and reminding that we're all TripleS and should support all SS501 members.  This was my favorite fan comment, possibly ever:
Hi girls, please remember that we are all TripleS, alright?

Please take note of what we've been writing (: Some of the comments aren't very kind! Although they haven't done activities together in a while, don't forget their expectations for us! SS501 want their green peas to be polite and peace-loving, and that's how we've been for the past couple of years, so don't leave hateful comments, okay? (:

We've come so far together as TripleS now, let's not spoil our good reputation ^^

Be rational, calm and mature.

P.s I love the pictures, and I love Kyu as well. I will support him no matter what, just as how I will support the other members.
Thank you, Anonymous @ 8:23 PM.  This is exactly the reason why I love Triple S as much as I love SS501.  ^_____^

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