Sunday, September 4, 2011

You've Fallen For Me (aka Heartstrings)

Quite an enjoyable drama!  At first I only watched it casually, mostly for Park Shin Hye.  It had a decent start (the musical aspect piqued my interest), although a bit disjointed, setting up all the little storylines/relationships.  But around the middle, the focus returned to the main plot/couple, and the show progressed really well, with nice, light drama and romance.  The end had a typical last-minute obstacle and rushed happy ending, but well executed.

That pretty much describes Heartstrings: simple but well done.  The writing (plot and script) wasn't anything spectacular, but the show did a good job with what it had and was elevated by the combination of the cast chemistry (Jung Yonghwa improved a lot since You're Beautiful and turned out to be very charming in this role), the breezy directorial style (which looked amazing compared to Playful Kiss), and the great OST (loved the Western/Traditional fusion, sweet love songs, and musical numbers).

I usually wish that shows I like had more episodes, but I think it's actually good that Heartstrings didn't get an extension and was, in fact, shortened to 15 instead of 16 (due to PSH getting into a car accident halfway through).  Another episode isn't needed; the plot is already fleshed out and satisfactorily resolved, and much screen time was given to musical performances, rather than story, anyway.  Any more, and the show would've been too slow or contrived, so it ends just right.

I didn't expect to like this drama this much, but it's really made me love PSH even more, fall for Yonghwa just a bit, and listen to the OST constantly since it ended.  I give it a B+. ^_^

Now if only PSH and Jang Geun Suk would re-unite for a drama! ;D

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